5 Tips to Excel During a Virtual Internship

The idea of doing a remote internship might not be as tempting to students who have been studying online for the past few years. But since many companies are switching to more long-term work-from-home policies, it’s worthwhile to invest your time in learning how to work remotely. There are strategies to make it work and win over your employer or host organisation.

These are five strategies to help you make a good impression, gain knowledge, and leave a lasting impression.

1. Acting professionally during virtual meetings

  • Put on suitable clothing.
  • Create a computer background that complements your job or matches the themes used by other members of the organisation.
  • As much as possible, turn off any distractions from home, and keep your phone on mute.
  • Run a test to make sure your computer’s technology is operational.
  • Arrive at team meetings a few minutes early so you can strike up a casual conversation with coworkers.
  • Even if you’re first nervous, smile and make eye contact with the other participants.

2. Showing Initiative

Attend internal meetings prepared with an agenda and, if time allows, familiarise yourself with the attendees’ biographies. For this, an organisational chart comes in quite handy. Keep an eye on things, but don’t be scared to speak up or ask questions—especially if you’re asked to participate.

Since you are not the meeting’s organiser, let the person in charge introduce yourself to everyone you haven’t met before. However, be ready to do so. Rehearse your opening statement, make it succinct, and don’t be scared to be yourself. You may tell the group about your internship, your course of study, what piques your interest in the company, and your goals for learning and contributing. As you would for an in-person first team meeting with colleagues, get ready.

3. Expressing Your Curiosity

Engage in the organization’s or sector’s advances and constantly demonstrate your readiness to work with others and provide a hand in any manner you can. Working and assisting with other interns is part of this.Keep in mind that your employer will probably wish to use the abilities and insights you have to offer.

Show interest in any professional development, online training, or planning sessions that the organisation may be offering and that you would be able to attend. Depending on the type and length of your internship, this can apply.

4. Asking the Right Questions

While taking the initiative and being inventive are admirable traits, it’s crucial to make any tasks clear so you can deliver your best job. Furthermore, don’t be embarrassed to request criticism on your work. This exhibits judgement, interest, and a readiness to take constructive criticism. Recall that your supervisor used to be in your position. As you would in an office situation, ask people how they are and show an interest in their job.

5. Taking the Initiative to Make Catch-ups

Make the suggestion for a regular meeting if your boss hasn’t set one up. You might also inquire about the possibility of having a quick conversation with a few important individuals who are employed by the organisation in different departments so that you can become familiar with their varied responsibilities.

Not only does this provide you a chance to network and make an impression, but it also broadens your professional network and gives you a glimpse into potential future career chances. You could add them as a LinkedIn connection, if that’s okay. If some staff members are too busy to meet with you, do not take it personally; instead, thank them for sharing their knowledge with you.

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