A Warning To Loan Applicants from NIRSAL Microfinance Bank

A new caution has been sent out by NIRSAL Microfinance Bank (NMFB) to applicants for several government programmes that the bank manages. As a financial institution with a licence from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), NMFB is permitted to provide loans in Nigeria for a variety of uses. If you are applying for a loan from NIRSAL Microfinance Bank, please read this message through carefully.

The bank has issued a warning to potential borrowers not to send money in order for their loans to be processed, stressing that it will never ask a potential borrower to pay money in order to use its financial services. The bank posted a circular on its Twitter feed with this information. This is what the post says:

“Nirsal Microfinance Bank will never ask you to pay money to access any of it’s financial services. The bank will never ask anyone to collect money on it’s behalf for the purpose of securing a loan or any of it’s financial services for that matter.”

NIRSAL Microfinance Bank Fresh Warning To Loan Applicants

Therefore, if a staff member or agent approaches a loan application and requests payment in order to facilitate a loan offer, they should proceed with caution.

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