Steps for Moving from Nigeria to Canada – 2023/24

If you have the correct information, moving to Canada is simple and legal. Humans have always relocated; it’s in their nature. As you might have observed, people don’t simply move. They act in this way for certain motives. And foremost among them are:

1. To Flee Violence: People who are in risk of dying in a war or other conflict are typically driven to look for a quiet place to dwell. Living in the terrorised region of northern Nigeria, you could certainly identify with this.

2. To Flee Poverty: In Nigeria, this is the most common cause for emigration. Thousands of Nigerians move to Canada each year, drawn by the nation’s high rates of poverty and unemployment. Indeed, Nigerians are fleeing to nations that pay better for their labour, with Canada being a popular destination.

3. To Have Access to Better Healthcare: Picture yourself living in a nation where the lack of quality medical facilities and staff has made the healthcare system untrustworthy.

4. To Receive a Top-notch Education: The educational systems in the United States, Canada, and many European nations are among the greatest; they simply cannot be compared to what is available in Nigeria. For those who can afford it, getting a good education has motivated them to travel elsewhere.

Relocating for a business opportunity, a family reunion, or a marriage are additional motivations.
Only you, if you are still reading this, understand why you wish to move to Canada. However, for whatever reason, the following are the authorised means of moving:

Gain Permanent Residency by Studying in Canada

As is often said, it’s very simple to obtain a stay when visiting Canada as an international student. In this instance, “getting a stay” means obtaining citizenship in Canada as well as permanent residency.
You don’t need a job offer from a Canadian school to migrate to Canada as an international student, unlike with the other legal ways to do so.

After completing their education, international students can apply for residency through a variety of programmes. The following are the routes from having a student visa to having permanent residence in Canada:

1. Enrol in the course of study of your choice, then utilise the acceptance letter to obtain a student visa.

2. During the academic year, work up to 20 hours per week; during breaks, work full-time (you have the right as a student).

3. Obtain an open full-time work permit from the Canadian government to bring your spouse in. Your partner is free to work a full-time job.

4. After graduating, obtain a post-graduate employment visa. For the duration of your academic career in Canada, you are eligible for a permit. This implies that if you complete a three-year programme, you are eligible for a three-year work permit, which will allow you to work in Canada and gain what is known as the “Canadian experience.” Next, you’ll utilise this to submit a residency application.

5. Use the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) to obtain residency. You are entitled to this because of the Canadian work experience you obtained in the post-graduate job programme.

Move to Canada as a Federal Skilled Worker

There is an additional legal pathway to permanent residence in Canada via the Federal Skilled Worker Programme.
The Canadian government launched the Federal Skilled Worker immigration programme to welcome foreign nationals as permanent residents. The candidates are chosen according to several factors, including age, education, work history, English proficiency test results, adaptability, and job offers in Canada.

You can be eligible for the programme if you receive 67 points from the assessments. The best thing about the programme is that, before spending any money on the application procedure, you may test yourself to make sure you’ll pass.

Apply from Nigeria for a Work Permit in Canada.

If you can get a work offer from a Canadian employer, you can move to Canada. Over 300,000 foreign workers enter Canada each year with temporary work permits, according to

The simplest kind of visa to obtain is a work permit because you won’t have to go through the same process of scrutiny that regular visitors or tourists do. The only requirement is an employment letter from a Canadian firm, which is almost a given.
It is completely possible to receive a job offer from Canada, even though it is not a simple task. All you have to do is email your resume to as many Canadian businesses as you can. In the unlikely event that you are selected, one of them will schedule a Skype interview for you to present yourself.

You would receive an employment contract for your work visa application following a successful interview. The procedure to obtain a Nigerian temporary work permit in Canada is outlined below;

1. Apply for positions at Canadian companies via CanadaJobs, Indeed, LinkedIn, and other channels.

2. The employer requests an evaluation of the labour market impact. Upon success, then

3. An employment letter is sent by the employer.

4. At the Canadian embassy in Nigeria, you apply for a temporary work permit.

5. A work permit is granted.


We have so far investigated the most effective legal immigration routes to Canada. However, we want to be clear that we oppose illegal immigration to Canada. For example, abusing a visitor’s visa or filing fictitious asylum requests.

Such actions make it harder and harder for other Nigerians to apply for visas, whether they plan to move to Canada permanently or are merely travelling for pleasure or business.


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