Free-Masters Course In Germany For Indian Students

Institution: University of Göttingen
Host Country: Germany
Course: Modern Indian Studies
Degree: M.A. (Master of Arts)

Brief Course Description

Do you wish to study, analyze, and understand how society, economics, politics, and culture in India are changing nowadays? The M.A. in Modern Indian Studies at the University of Göttingen is a unique program that studies various aspects of Indian modern society. Students are to select subjects amongst the themes of: “Metamorphoses of the Political”, “Religion”, “Inequality and Diversity”, “Labour and Capital in Modern India”, and “Media and Public Spheres”. Students have the option of completing a specialization in “Development Economics of India” or “Anthropology of Power” within the M.A. program. It is also possible to complete the program without a specialization. Taught at the Center for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS) of the University of Göttingen, this master’s degree is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to develop your career around modern Indian studies.

About The University Of Gottingen

Founded in 1737, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen is a research university of international renown with strong focuses in research-led teaching. The University is distinguished by the rich diversity of its subject spectrum particularly in the humanities, its excellent facilities for the pursuit of scientific research, and the outstanding quality of the areas that define its profile.
A University with Tradition
The University bears the name of its founder Georg August, King George II of Great Britain, Elector and Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg, (Hannover). In affinity with the spirit of the Enlightenment, Göttingen abandoned the supremacy of theology and set its faculties on an equal footing. As an academic location Göttingen was long regarded as the hub of the mathematical world


The M.A. (Masters of Arts) in Modern Indian Studies is in­ten­ded for holders of a first bachelor’s degree in one of the following related fields:

  • Development studies
  • Geography
  • History
  • Gender or diversity studies
  • Indian studies
  • Indology
  • Islam studies
  • Ethnology
  • Cultural anthropology
  • Media studies
  • Political science
  • Religious studies
  • Social and economic history
  • Sociology or
  • Economics
  • 180 ECTS (Minimum)

Note 1: Sufficient Credits (at least 50 ECTS) in a related field.
Note 2: If you want to study Modern Indian Studies with a study focus on Development Economics of India, 30 ECTS of the required 50 ECTS have to be in Economics.

The following certificates are recognized as proof of your language proficiency.

  1. CERF English
  2. Cambridge
  3. IELTS
  4. UNIcert

NB: Other equivalent language certificates is accepted by the university.


  1. Online-Application form
  2. Transcript of Records
  3. Additional Documents
  4. Letter of Motivation
  5. First University-Level Degree Copy
  6. English Language Proficiency Certificate
  7. CV


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