How to Fix a Slow Computer: 11 Simple Steps

Do you recall the times when you would blow on your computer or game console, giving it a few hits, and praying that the slowness would go away? That might have worked back then.

Modern technology is more sophisticated and needs a little more handling. There aren’t many things that irritate like a slow computer. Is it not the case that it occurs at the most inconvenient time?

You’re attempting to show someone a picture or video on a tight schedule, or you’re in the middle of that crucial paper that needs to be finished ASAP. Everyone experiences it. For the 11 tips on cleaning a slow computer, continue reading.

1. Always stay up to date!

Tell the truth: how frequently do you see the notification “updates required” on your desktop, brush it off right away, and then do it again for days or weeks at a time?

A lot of us are waiting on updates. They force us to stop what we’re doing so that the computer can update, restart, and shut down, so we ignore them. How much time will each update take, who knows?

Even though you might not believe it matters, ignoring them will cause your computer to run more slowly. Updates are all that those are. They enhance your computer’s performance and functionality.

It is reasonable to anticipate a slower PC if you are behind on updates. Make it a habit to accept all of the desktop updates that appear. Put an end to delaying them!

2. Look for malware

Though you might not be aware of it, viruses constantly infect your computer. There is no need for a large, flashing red alert to appear. Seldom does one.

You can always perform a virus check on your own, but your computer performs automatic “maintenance scans” to check for things like viruses and corrupt files. Performing a maintenance scan is as follows:

To do a hard drive scan, simply type “chkdsk” into your computer. This is your computer’s “check disc” command.
Enter “sfc” to launch your computer’s “system file checker,” which looks for any corrupt system files. It searches for them and attempts to remedy them as well.
The system file checker and check disc commands are straightforward to use and beneficial. Run them frequently, particularly if you observe a slowdown on your computer.

Additionally, there are several of methods available for running a broad computer virus check. Has your desktop ever displayed a malware notice or prompted you to perform a virus check? These are for prevention and early detection.

Programme downloads, corrupt file downloads, corrupt website visits, and even online purchasing can all result in the download of viruses. Numerous viruses, often known as “worms,” creep deeply into your system to hide there. Most of the time, you aren’t even aware that they are on your computer!

Run routine virus scans, and don’t hesitate to contact a professional to remove any viruses you uncover that you are unable to eradicate (if there are any). It is better to be cautious than sorry! Check out this article about how to prevent computer viruses in 2019 because prevention is always preferable to cure.

3. Defragment

The majority of individuals are unfamiliar with the terms “defragment” and “defragmentation,” and even fewer are aware of their definitions. That’s unfortunate because defragmenting your computer can greatly improve its speed and smoothness.

File deletion and saving are difficult processes. Your files are dispersed throughout your computer in several locations. This implies that your system will have to look everywhere for a particular file when you search for it.

That requires a lot of processing power and time from your machine. Your computer gets slower when it searches 25 separate locations for a single file.

In summary, defragmentation is the process of organising your files to reduce the amount of energy your computer must use on searching for items. It resembles doing a computer spring cleaning.

You should anticipate decreased performance from your computer if it has to work harder. You should therefore try your hardest to support it. To make things easier for your system to find, defragment your files:

  • Search “defrag” in your home search bar
  • “Defragment and Optimize Drives”
  • Choose which drives you’d like to defragment
  • “Optimize”

After that, your computer need to begin arranging the drives you chose. It really is that simple!

4. Tidy Up the Vents

Although it may bring back memories of blowing on your computer when it slowed down, this one has advantages. Desktop computers in particular have vents. The functions of your system may be affected if there is a lot of dust in your vents.

Sure, you can try blowing on it, but it’s unlikely to work that way. Try using a compressed air can or a portable vacuum to remove the dust and dirt instead.

Use the pressurised air canister or hoover on your keyboard while you’re at it. You never know what hair, trash, and crumbs are causing problems for your system.

5. Completely End Programmes

Most individuals find that when they glance down the bottom of their screen, they have a lot more open systems than they initially anticipated.

It goes without saying that your computer will perform more slowly if it has too many open programmes. It makes sense. Try closing any tabs that aren’t necessary if you’re having trouble processing information quickly.

Furthermore, did you realise that certain systems launch on their own—without your knowledge or consent—without your intervention? As soon as you get onto your computer, programmes like Skype, iTunes, and Spotify start up automatically. As “startup programmes,” these are.

You may not even realise that your Spotify is open and running in the background during the day. That is undoubtedly using up RAM and slowing down your computer.

The good news is that you have the option to manually choose which systems to launch. Here’s how to do it:

  • Use your keyboard to select Ctrl + Shift + Esc
  • “More Details”
  • “Startup” tab — this will show you the startup programs on your computer.
  • Deselect the ones you don’t want opening/starting on their own.

You won’t have to wonder how and why your machine has so many open systems or waste valuable RAM anymore.

6. Always restart

How often do you give your machine a restart? If you’re like the majority of individuals, you only do it when necessary to troubleshoot or update something.

You’re adding unnecessary stress to your computer’s workload by doing this. It’s beneficial for your computer to restart frequently.

Your computer is constantly on because it’s easier to close it when you’re done so you can start over the following day. Even if it’s asleep, it’s turned on.

This is comparable to the recommended practice of fully depleting your phone’s battery before charging it. It prolongs the life of the battery when you charge it from empty every now and then. You can think of it similarly with your PC.

Try restarting your computer if it has become noticeably slower and isn’t responding to other cleaning methods. Next, repeat the process the following day and at the conclusion of the day. It might be the system refresh you need.

7. Issue with your computer or internet?

You may think this one is simple, yet a lot of people confuse slow internet with slow computers.

Frequently, rather than your machine itself, the issue is with your internet connection. Opening a computer-only programme that doesn’t require the internet, like Word, is a simple method to test this. After a few minutes of use, save the file and open it again. How did it function?

Now launch a browser and do a search. Select an image to download, submit a post, or click on a link. How did it function?

You have an internet connection problem if your computer-only applications operate without a hitch but your internet-dependent systems are lagging. The issue is with your machine if Word and other programmes run slowly or have glitches.

8. Contemplate Before Downloading

The “download” button is always alluring when you’re in the mood for a new computer programme or internet update. While some are not safe, others are.

It is dangerous to download and install foreign programmes on your computer. They not only have the potential to infect your computer with malware and viruses, but they also gradually eat up more space.

These downloads may negatively impact your computer’s speed for a considerable amount of time. Consider your options carefully before downloading or installing anything from the internet if you wish to speed up your sluggish computer!

9. Make use of Disc Cleanup

Were you aware that your computer comes with an integrated feature to identify and remove superfluous huge files? We refer to it as “Disc Cleanup.” This feature handles the searching for you and is incredibly user-friendly!

Take these actions:

  • Select “Start” from the desktop.
  • Next, select “All Programmes.”
  • “Disc Cleanup,” “System Tools,” and “Accessories”

This “Disc Cleanup” feature looks for large files throughout your computer. After that, it draws your attention to them so you may select what should remain and what should leave. A simple, hassle-free method to reduce pointless space wasters!

10. Disable Unwanted Apps

It’s likely that your computer has a number of programmes that you hardly ever use. PowerPoint may have been necessary for you in school, but now that you’ve graduated, you haven’t utilised it. It is logical to discard it!

Even when you are not using a programme, it still occupies a significant quantity of space in your storage! So go ahead and free up some space on your computer by uninstalling unnecessary programmes.

11. Remove Unwanted Documents & Pictures

It may surprise you to learn that the typical user’s photo folder consumes 250GB of computer space. Plus that by twofold if you have videos!

On our computers, how many of us have hundreds of old images that we never look at or perhaps even forget about? The images that you don’t need or want to take are making your computer run slower.

Allocate one hour each day to thoroughly tidy your computer’s images. Going through each one of them can take longer than you anticipate!

Keep in mind that not all of your photos need to be stored on your computer; you can move them to the cloud, Amazon Photos, or many other photo apps.

The same holds true for written records. How much disc space is now being taken up by outdated spreadsheets, documents, PowerPoint presentations, and downloads?

Here’s how to reduce it:

  • Create a new folder called “KEEP” on your desktop.
  • Create a second folder called “MAYBE.”
  • Go through everything in your “Documents” folder starting at the beginning.
  • Drag items into the appropriate folder that you need or wish to keep.
  • Move items that you are unsure of into the “maybe” section.
  • Place whatever you don’t want in your recycle bin.
  • Once finished, proceed to the “Downloads” folder and carry out the same procedures.

Once more, it can take some time, but you’ll be surprised at how much space you save. You can remedy the situation when your old documents and photographs are taking up much more space than they should.

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