Nigerian Custom Service (NCS) Ranks and Salary

In this article we shall be discussing Nigerian Custom Service (NCS) Ranks and their salaries in 2021/2022. Nigerian Custom service is the arm of government parastatal responsible for the collection of Revenue (Import, other Taxes /Levies) , Anti-Smuggling activities, Security functions, also Generating statistics for planning and Budgetary functions  which are all reported to the federal government.
For clarity, they are responsible for the land borders security and policies that determine what transpires at our borders.
 Nigeria Customs officers are responsible to enforce these rules and other responsibilities, example includes, passing information to travelers’ about the contraband and non-contraband goods before travelling, and these policies affect Nigerians directly or indirectly.
One of the major skills set and requirement in this field is the skills to protect Nigerian’s lives, economy, jobs and the environment by controlling the flow of goods, especially restrictive, prohibited goods, in and out of the country.
This write up is aimed at answering some inquisitive questions about the salaries, rank and benefits of Nigerian Custom officers.

Overview about Nigerian Custom Service

The Nigerian Customs Service (NCS) is part of paramilitary organization founded in 1891. The organization supervised by the Federal Ministry of Finance that has several departments responsible for the collection of customs revenue and anti-smuggling efforts.

Responsibilities of Nigerian Custom Service officers

 Some of the duties of Nigerian Custom Service officers are stated below :

  • The Collection customs revenue and anti-smuggling efforts and accounting for same
    • Security duties;
    • Working in collaboration with other government agencies in all approved ports and border station.
    • Generating statistics for planning and Budgetary purposes;
    • Monitoring Foreign Exchange utilization;
    • Engaging in Research, Planning and Enforcement of Fiscal Policies of Government
    • Manifest processing;
    • Licensing and registration of Customs Agents;

Nigerian Custom Service Officers Rank and Salary by Cadre

The ranks and salary of the Nigerian Customs Service varies from another military/paramilitary parastatals in Nigeria and their salary structure are calculated on the various rank and level of the officer.
Below are the rank and annual salaries of Nigerian custom officers:

S\N       Ranks                                                       Annual Basic Salaries   
1 Customs Assistant                                                            ₦298,506 – ₦330,321
2 Assistant Inspector of Custom                                           ₦357,358 – ₦411,484
3 Inspector of Custom                                                            ₦483,014 – ₦567,065
4 Assistant Superintendent of Customs II                         ₦888,956 – ₦988991
5 Assistant Superintendent of Customs I                          ₦1,012,562 – ₦1,143,539
6 Deputy Superintendent Customs (DSC) Officer            ₦1,094,027 – ₦1,252,038
7 Chief Superintendent Customs (CSC) Officer                 ₦1,158,172 – ₦1,325,234
8 Assistant Comptrollers                                                       ₦1,225,584 – ₦1,405,449
9 Deputy Comptrollers                                                           ₦1,619,447 – ₦1,825,589
10 Comptrollers                                                                          ₦1,759,829 – ₦1,966,281
11 Assistant Comptroller-General                                          ₦2,272,288 – ₦2,464,560
12 Deputy Comptroller-General       
13 Comptroller General                                                                                       


  Benefits and Allowances of Custom Officers Apart from their salary are highlighted below:
1 Transport.
2 Meal subsidy.
3 Utility.
4 Hazards.
5 House maintenance.
6 Uniform maintenance.
7 General Services.
8 Detective.
9 Hardiness allowance.


Requirements for Nigeria Customs Recruitment and Cadres

The following are the basic requirements every applicant must meet before applying for customs recruitment:

  1. All applicants must be Nigerian citizens by birth.
  2. Applicants must have completed their O levels or higher education depending on the position they intend to apply for.
  3. Age must be between 18-35 years
  4. If you have ever served a prison sentence, do not bother to apply.
  5. Not less than 1.7 metres in height for males and 1.64 metres for females.
  6. Should have a fully expanded chest measurement of not less than 0.87 metres, male.
  7. Applicants must be physically and mentally fit. This surely must be certified by a Government Medical Officer for an appointment in Service.
  8. Applicants must be free from debt or any form of financial embarrassment.
  9. Candidates must be of good character and have not been found guilty of any criminal offence.
  10. All applicants should possess a certificate of origin signed appropriately by the Chairman/Secretary of their Local Governments.
  11. Applicant must submit the appropriate document for the desired cadre.
  12. Applicants must not submit more than one application. Or else will be disqualified. 
  13. Alll applications are submitted at their portal HERE

The Nigeria Customs Service is a organized agency  well known for its transparency and standards towards its recruitment exercises. Immediately after your application is submitted, it will be filed alongside other applications. Candidates who are picked will be notified and called up for the next phase of the NCS recruitment exercise.


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